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== Linux (tinycore) environment for Windows and Mac == == Linux (tinycore) environment for Windows and Mac ==
Go to <html><a href="/linux/latest" class="wikilink1" title="Tinycore Linux" target="_blank"><b>this</b></a></html> subdirectory, select your operating system, download the corresponding file, run the **START** script. Instructions and screenshots from <html><a href="https://utopia.duth.gr/glykos/linux/tinycore/" class="wikilink1" title="Tinycore Linux" target="_blank">here</a></html>. Go to <html><a href="/linux/latest" class="wikilink1" title="Tinycore Linux" target="_blank"><b>this</b></a></html> subdirectory, select your operating system, download the corresponding file, run the **START** script. Instructions and screenshots from <html><a href="https://utopia.duth.gr/glykos/linux/tinycore/" class="wikilink1" title="Tinycore Linux" target="_blank">here</a></html>.
teaching.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/04 15:27 by glykos