Jun 12th, 2014
Continuing problems : problems with the switch downgrading ports, with the array, with the UPSes, …
Continuing problems : problems with the switch downgrading ports, with the array, with the UPSes, …
Again lost the array. NAMD restart files and their backups were zeroed, a huge mess. Crontab guarantee that this will not happen again :
*/30 * * * * cd /home/glykos/work ; find . -size +50c -name 'restart.vel' -exec cp {} '{}.SAFE' \; */30 * * * * cd /home/glykos/work ; find . -size +50c -name 'restart.coor' -exec cp {} '{}.SAFE' \; */30 * * * * cd /home/glykos/work ; find . -size +50c -name 'restart.xsc' -exec cp {} '{}.SAFE' \; */30 * * * * cd /home/glykos/work ; find . -size +50c -name 'restart.tempering' -exec cp {} '{}.SAFE' \;
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