Memory bandwidth for CUDA

# ./deviceQuery

There is 1 device supporting CUDA

Device 0: "GeForce GTX 260"
  Major revision number:                         1
  Minor revision number:                         3
  Total amount of global memory:                 939196416 bytes
  Number of multiprocessors:                     24
  Number of cores:                               192
  Total amount of constant memory:               65536 bytes
  Total amount of shared memory per block:       16384 bytes
  Total number of registers available per block: 16384
  Warp size:                                     32
  Maximum number of threads per block:           512
  Maximum sizes of each dimension of a block:    512 x 512 x 64
  Maximum sizes of each dimension of a grid:     65535 x 65535 x 1
  Maximum memory pitch:                          262144 bytes
  Texture alignment:                             256 bytes
  Clock rate:                                    1.30 GHz
  Concurrent copy and execution:                 Yes


# ./bandwidthTest --memory=pinned --mode=shmoo
Running on......
      device 0:GeForce GTX 260
Shmoo Mode
Host to Device Bandwidth for Pinned memory
Transfer Size (Bytes)   Bandwidth(MB/s)
     1024               93.9
     2048               195.3
     3072               290.1
     4096               398.6
     5120               488.3
     6144               580.1
     7168               651.0
     8192               744.0
     9216               806.3
    10240               879.8
    11264               950.6
    12288               1019.0
    13312               1085.1
    14336               1158.6
    15360               1190.9
    16384               1250.0
    17408               1328.1
    18432               1384.1
    19456               1427.3
    20480               1479.6
    22528               1568.2
    24576               1674.1
    26624               1775.6
    28672               1822.9
    30720               1927.4
    32768               2003.2
    34816               2075.2
    36864               2143.7
    38912               2050.2
    40960               2245.0
    43008               2304.2
    45056               2360.9
    47104               2415.2
    49152               2454.2
    51200               2516.9
    61440               2738.0
    71680               2908.9
    81920               3063.7
    92160               3161.5
   102400               3255.2
   204800               3837.2
   307200               3986.0
   409600               4138.0
   512000               4231.2
   614400               4286.3
   716800               4343.0
   819200               4386.6
   921600               4392.3
  1024000               4418.8
  1126400               4442.6
  2174976               4540.8
  3223552               4577.5
  4272128               4592.2
  5320704               4582.9
  6369280               4611.5
  7417856               4616.4
  8466432               4618.1
  9515008               4619.6
 10563584               4626.3
 11612160               4628.5
 12660736               4629.2
 13709312               4632.3
 14757888               4632.3
 15806464               4632.4
 16855040               4634.3
 18952192               4636.7
 21049344               4637.4
 23146496               4637.8
 25243648               4637.9
 27340800               4639.9
 29437952               4640.8
 31535104               4641.4
 33632256               4642.2
 37826560               4643.3
 42020864               4636.3
 46215168               4644.4
 50409472               4644.9
 54603776               4645.1
 58798080               4641.9
 62992384               4642.6
 67186688               4645.6

Shmoo Mode
Device to Host Bandwidth for Pinned memory
Transfer Size (Bytes)   Bandwidth(MB/s)
     1024               97.7
     2048               221.9
     3072               325.5
     4096               420.0
     5120               519.4
     6144               610.4
     7168               697.5
     8192               781.2
     9216               861.7
    10240               930.1
    11264               1003.9
    12288               1075.1
    13312               1154.1
    14336               1209.9
    15360               1273.8
    16384               1335.5
    17408               1395.1
    18432               1429.1
    19456               1508.5
    20480               1550.1
    22528               1665.5
    24576               1749.1
    26624               1839.9
    28672               1912.2
    30720               1953.1
    32768               2069.5
    34816               2142.1
    36864               2211.1
    38912               2262.8
    40960               2325.1
    43008               2384.6
    45056               2441.4
    47104               2481.9
    49152               2547.6
    51200               2583.5
    61440               2790.2
    71680               2959.3
    81920               3100.2
    92160               3219.4
   102400               3321.6
   204800               3883.0
   307200               4029.8
   409600               4182.3
   512000               4264.5
   614400               4317.9
   716800               4368.0
   819200               4396.5
   921600               4427.7
  1024000               4449.0
  1126400               4468.5
  2174976               4553.7
  3223552               4580.9
  4272128               4596.4
  5320704               4606.6
  6369280               4613.6
  7417856               4618.5
  8466432               4622.0
  9515008               4625.0
 10563584               4627.6
 11612160               4629.3
 12660736               4630.6
 13709312               4632.6
 14757888               4630.1
 15806464               4634.7
 16855040               4635.0
 18952192               4637.3
 21049344               4637.5
 23146496               4639.2
 25243648               4639.7
 27340800               4638.6
 29437952               4590.1
 31535104               4637.1
 33632256               4639.3
 37826560               4642.9
 42020864               4643.6
 46215168               4644.3
 50409472               4644.5
 54603776               4643.9
 58798080               4639.6
 62992384               4645.6
 67186688               4645.6

Shmoo Mode
Device to Device Bandwidth
Transfer Size (Bytes)   Bandwidth(MB/s)
     1024               275.1
     2048               751.2
     3072               1126.8
     4096               1446.8
     5120               1808.4
     6144               2130.7
     7168               2485.8
     8192               2790.2
     9216               2929.7
    10240               3310.4
    11264               3580.7
    12288               3906.2
    13312               4231.8
    14336               4557.3
    15360               4882.8
    16384               5208.3
    17408               5188.0
    18432               5493.2
    19456               5709.1
    20480               5918.6
    22528               6510.4
    24576               6996.3
    26624               7254.5
    28672               7812.5
    30720               8138.0
    32768               8680.6
    34816               8854.2
    36864               9014.4
    38912               9515.2
    40960               9889.2
    43008               10003.8
    45056               10609.6
    47104               10569.9
    49152               11160.7
    51200               11224.9
    61440               12335.5
    71680               20105.7
    81920               22007.0
    92160               24079.6
   102400               24723.1
   204800               37924.8
   307200               48828.1
   409600               55407.8
   512000               61035.2
   614400               65835.7
   716800               67349.1
   819200               71347.0
   921600               73857.7
  1024000               75702.5
  1126400               76185.7
  2174976               86787.4
  3223552               90021.0
  4272128               93660.2
  5320704               94316.3
  6369280               96646.3
  7417856               95986.7
  8466432               93940.9
  9515008               97415.1
 10563584               96820.9
 11612160               98877.0
 12660736               98244.3
 13709312               99727.1
 14757888               98386.7
 15806464               95861.5
 16855040               98918.3
 18952192               100051.0
 21049344               100421.3
 23146496               96394.0
 25243648               98705.3
 27340800               99767.4
 29437952               99413.0
 31535104               99781.8
 33632256               100704.0
 37826560               97208.9
 42020864               100160.5
 46215168               100134.5
 50409472               101208.9
 54603776               99482.7
 58798080               100087.9
 62992384               101211.7
 67186688               97495.8

&&&& Test PASSED

Press ENTER to exit...

# ./bandwidthTest --mode=shmoo

Running on......
      device 0:GeForce GTX 260
Shmoo Mode
Host to Device Bandwidth for Pageable memory
Transfer Size (Bytes)   Bandwidth(MB/s)
     1024               120.6
     2048               165.5
     3072               284.4
     4096               368.5
     5120               436.0
     6144               496.6
     7168               542.5
     8192               596.4
     9216               532.7
    10240               581.3
    11264               620.9
    12288               665.8
    13312               709.2
    14336               743.0
    15360               728.8
    16384               822.4
    17408               728.1
    18432               732.4
    19456               803.2
    20480               831.1
    22528               884.1
    24576               933.8
    26624               854.9
    28672               923.8
    30720               948.1
    32768               916.4
    34816               946.0
    36864               1013.1
    38912               1030.8
    40960               1079.1
    43008               1017.8
    45056               1058.3
    47104               1082.5
    49152               1108.2
    51200               1059.2
    61440               1109.7
    71680               1639.3
    81920               1658.7
    92160               1443.2
   102400               1713.3
   204800               1898.1
   307200               1958.3
   409600               1987.9
   512000               1821.3
   614400               2019.8
   716800               1952.6
   819200               1870.4
   921600               2016.8
  1024000               1978.0
  1126400               1954.5
  2174976               2053.9
  3223552               1938.8
  4272128               1850.9
  5320704               1843.3
  6369280               1842.3
  7417856               1831.3
  8466432               1823.4
  9515008               1827.5
 10563584               1833.9
 11612160               1823.9
 12660736               1817.0
 13709312               1821.0
 14757888               1819.5
 15806464               1820.4
 16855040               1842.6
 18952192               1812.8
 21049344               1828.9
 23146496               1810.9
 25243648               1817.3
 27340800               1809.5
 29437952               1809.1
 31535104               1813.0
 33632256               1813.2
 37826560               1817.6
 42020864               1818.7
 46215168               1818.7
 50409472               1820.6
 54603776               1822.6
 58798080               1819.8
 62992384               1821.1
 67186688               1821.3

Shmoo Mode
Device to Host Bandwidth for Pageable memory
Transfer Size (Bytes)   Bandwidth(MB/s)
     1024               98.6
     2048               191.5
     3072               271.3
     4096               342.7
     5120               406.9
     6144               465.0
     7168               510.1
     8192               558.0
     9216               589.9
    10240               626.0

    11264               663.1
    12288               693.4
    13312               725.4
    14336               755.4
    15360               743.6
    16384               801.3
    17408               817.8
    18432               833.1
    19456               859.0
    20480               871.9
    22528               906.5
    24576               948.9
    26624               980.3
    28672               997.9
    30720               1024.4
    32768               1028.0
    34816               1054.1
    36864               1071.8
    38912               1091.5
    40960               1116.1
    43008               1126.8
    45056               1130.8
    47104               1146.0
    49152               1160.3
    51200               1159.8
    61440               1246.7
    71680               1356.3
    81920               1387.7
    92160               1401.8
   102400               1425.6
   204800               1451.1
   307200               1506.3
   409600               1533.7
   512000               1518.3
   614400               1523.5
   716800               1524.9
   819200               1542.1
   921600               1536.8
  1024000               1545.2
  1126400               1549.0
  2174976               1688.7
  3223552               1745.4
  4272128               1783.5
  5320704               1810.0
  6369280               1826.1
  7417856               1831.2
  8466432               1841.8
  9515008               1850.9
 10563584               1861.4
 11612160               1866.1
 12660736               1868.8
 13709312               1869.8
 14757888               1874.0
 15806464               1872.4
 16855040               1877.4
 18952192               1826.0
 21049344               1836.9
 23146496               1531.9
 25243648               1857.9
 27340800               1856.5
 29437952               1859.2
 31535104               1683.7
 33632256               1676.4
 37826560               1687.1
 42020864               1684.2
 46215168               1691.9
 50409472               1693.4
 54603776               1680.5
 58798080               1684.1
 62992384               1673.3
 67186688               1690.7

Shmoo Mode
Device to Device Bandwidth
Transfer Size (Bytes)   Bandwidth(MB/s)
     1024               275.1
     2048               751.2
     3072               1085.1
     4096               1446.8
     5120               1775.6
     6144               2130.7
     7168               2485.8
     8192               2741.2
     9216               2979.3
    10240               3255.2
    11264               3580.7
    12288               3842.2
    13312               4231.8
    14336               4482.6
    15360               4802.8
    16384               5123.0
    17408               5108.2
    18432               5493.2
    19456               5622.6
    20480               5918.6
    22528               6318.9
    24576               6893.4
    26624               7053.0
    28672               7595.5
    30720               7918.1
    32768               8561.6
    34816               8513.6
    36864               8789.1
    38912               9277.3
    40960               9645.1
    43008               9765.6
    45056               12103.9
    47104               10326.9
    49152               10901.2
    51200               10972.6
    61440               11957.9
    71680               19814.3
    81920               22007.0
    92160               23437.5
   102400               24112.7
   204800               37924.8
   307200               48027.7
   409600               55407.8
   512000               60281.6
   614400               65467.9
   716800               66368.3
   819200               71674.3
   921600               73857.7
  1024000               75702.5
  1126400               75383.8
  2174976               86606.2
  3223552               89889.4
  4272128               93660.2
  5320704               94141.4
  6369280               96569.5
  7417856               95597.5
  8466432               94105.1
  9515008               97362.9
 10563584               96681.6
 11612160               98788.7
 12660736               98204.3
 13709312               99689.1
 14757888               98490.0
 15806464               95953.0
 16855040               98979.2
 18952192               100078.7
 21049344               100446.4
 23146496               96478.2
 25243648               98624.4
 27340800               99691.1
 29437952               99448.2
 31535104               99682.5
 33632256               100688.2
 37826560               97091.1
 42020864               100173.0
 46215168               100111.8
 50409472               101230.2
 54603776               99444.7
 58798080               100052.1
 62992384               101160.6
 67186688               97473.5

&&&& Test PASSED

Press ENTER to exit...

about/benchmarks/cuda_memory_bandwidth.txt · Last modified: 2009/04/29 15:24 (external edit)