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NAMD-CUDA, latest benchmarks on small (tiny) systems

All simulations in explicit solvent (TIP3P), full PME electrostatics, 2-1-2 steps, and cutoffs ranging from 8 to 10 Angstrom.

Number of atoms Hardware (single node) nanoseconds per day days per μs Adaptive tempering ?
1997 Q6600 - GTX460 75 14 no
3721 Q6600 - GTX460 37 27 no
4785 i7 - GTX295 67 15 no
5493 Q6600 - GTX460 31.3 32 yes
7484 Q6600 - GTX460 23.0 44 yes
7484 AMD-8cores - GTX570 39.5 25 no
8100 i7 - GTX295 25 40 yes
8100 AMD-8cores - GTX570 37 27 yes

about/benchmarks/namdlatestcuda.txt · Last modified: 2012/03/08 11:10 (external edit)